Friday, March 13, 2020

Pi Day and extended break

Hello Families.
What a day it has been.  As you know, things are changing rapidly.  We are now on an extended spring break.  In today's Friday Folders, I have included computer access to all of the learning programs we use in school.  You will find copies of your child's Clever badge, Zearn, Raz-Kids and Lexia (if they use it) logins.  Other than the Clever badges, these are the same things I sent home in their last report cards.  It would be great if students can work on one of these programs for 15-20 minutes a day.  Of course, they are welcome to do more.  Also, please keep your kiddos reading.  If I get my act together, I might send some digital learning assignments home next week so we can try it out.  We shall see.  Also, Ms. Hilton tells me that there are some good resources on the Atkinson library web page which can be reached through the Atkinson school website or my blog.
At this point, students are due to report back to school on Wednesday, April 1 (no joke!).  However, things are changing quickly, so check emails, etc.
The office delivered a letter from the district with information on resources that will be made available during the break.  This includes information on how students can obtain meals.  This letter came after we had packed Friday Folders, so it may be stuffed in your kiddo's backpack in an unexpected place.
If your child was absent today, I will scan computer access info so you can have it for the vacation.
If you have any questions, please give me a call or send an email.
Stay well and I look forward to seeing you all on April 1.

Congratulations to Elias for memorizing 100 digits of Pi!!!!  Way to go Elias!!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Spring Fever

Hello Families!

I am sorry that it has been so long since I have updated the blog.  Things have been busy around here!  I think a lot of students have a bit of spring fever.  We have been revisiting expected and unexpected social rules and school behaviors.  We have also done a bit of shuffling with some of our routines.  The end of 3rd quarter is fast approaching and I will be doing some reading and math assessments with the students to get ready for report cards.

We watched a video in class about Coronavirus and have been cleaning our desk tops each afternoon before leaving class.  Our wonderful custodians, Lutvija and Avery have been working overtime to keep things clean and sanitary around here.  Please remind your child to wash hands often and try not to touch their faces.  

Pi Day!
Pi Day is on Saturday, March 14.  We will be celebrating on Friday, March 13.  We will have a couple of Pi projects and a Pi contest.  Information about the Pi Contest came home in today's Friday Folder.  Take a look and have fun with it!

Spring Break
Spring break is coming right up!  I will not be sending homework home over spring break and hope that students can have a fun and restful break from school so they can return and finish the year with a bang!

Ms. Johnson
Speaking of spring break... Ms. Johnson will be taking over the class for planning and teaching soon after we return from spring break!  She is very excited to get to do all of the planning and problem solving with the class.  More information on this will be coming soon.

Atkinson Auction
The Atkinson auction is on Saturday, April 4.  It is a fun event and supports our school.  If you are able to attend, tickets are on sale now in the front hallway.  I hope to see you there!

Portland Youth Philharmonic
Our field trip downtown to see the PYP is scheduled for Wednesday, April 8.  I am not sure yet if we will have room for chaperones.  I will let you know soon if we can take any extra folks.  All 2nd grade classes will be attending and we will be taking school buses there and back.  We will be back to school in time for lunch.

Below our a few pictures from our last garden session.  The students dissected seeds and labeled their parts.  Our next garden session is this Friday, March 13.  We could use parent volunteers to help with the activities!  If you can sign up, please see the list outside of the classroom.  Thank you! 

OBOB Finals!
A couple of weeks ago, we gathered in the cafeteria for the Oregon Battle of the Books finals!  The two final teams did a fantastic job and worked hard.  I hope these 2nd graders will participate in OBOB next year.  It is a great way to read a variety of books in a fun way.

Seed Dispersal Experiments:
Following our work in garden on dissecting seeds, we studied seed design and dispersal.  The students built several models of different seed types and tested them outside to see which ones were best at getting out of the ZONE OF DARKNESS.  Ask your student their favorite ways that plants send forth their seeds!

That's all the news for now!  Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!