Thursday, February 13, 2020

Report Cards, etc.

Hello Families!

You received your child's report card in last week's Friday Folder.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  
All year we have been working on Social/Emotional Learning (aka SEL) and growth mindset with the students.  These are things such as emotional regulation, flexibility, building student skills, etc.  We will be continuing these lessons with a health perspective in the coming weeks.
In reading, we are learning to recognize literary language such as similes, metaphors, etc.
In writing, we are writing our opinions about books.  During this unit, we are practicing letter writing format and also learning how to support our opinions with evidence from the text.
In math, we are solving multi-step word problems and showing our work in a variety of ways. This has been a challenging step for many of the students, but they are working hard and getting better!

Valentine Exchange:
Tomorrow afternoon, students will be exchanging valentines with each other.  I have a rule that no one eats any candy they receive at school since I don't know each family's rules around candy eating. However, several students asked about eating their candy at after school care.  I told them they need to ask their parents this question! :)

Dragons Love Tacos:
We had a great time at the play last Friday!  Please take a look at the pictures below.

Finally, we had some choice time this afternoon.  Look at the great puzzle solvers below!